
The Wolfman-Second Part The Ball

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Second Part.

The Ball.

The three brothers spend the day playing around like children, but then Sitka stop the game and told his two brothers to get prepared for the ball that was going to take place that night on the mansion, even if that idea didn´t make happy to Denahi and Kenai, they said "Ok" and walked back to the mansion, while Sitka went to the hall, to see how the preparations for the ball were going.

So Kenai decided to go to his room, Denahi accompany him, helping his brother to carry his bags until his room, also, he put him on the day, Denahi was now getting prepare, because when the school started again, he will be teaching philosophy.

"That´s great!" said Kenai, feeling proud of his brother "Denahi, those are great news!"

"Thank you" Denahi "And you?"

"Well, this is my last year studying, next I´ll have my license, and I´ll be a certificate veterinary"

"That´s also great Kenai, I´m happy for you" Denahi.

"Thank you, and how long have you been here"

"Two days, I arrived on Monday"

"And things are the same in town?"

"As same as always…"


"Well, is isn´t exactly the same...Kenai, I have to tell something very serious" said Denahi looking at him "There´s a killer on the loose"


"Yes, a lunatic, he has been attacking people since April, all the nights of full moon, he rips apart the bodies from his victims"

"And the police?"

"They have no clue, at first they thought it had been an animal, so a hunt party went out to kill him…"


"No one of them came back"

Kenai skin turn white as snow, but then he shook his head.

"So it isn´t an animal?"

"No, there´s only one thing that can be so cruel, a human"

"And it´s the same when the full moon is on sky?"

"The three nights, there must be a patron, but nobody knows why"


"Yes, so Kenai, listen me carefully, don´t go out alone, this night is the last one with full moon until August, so be careful, and stay inside when night falls"

"I can take care of myself Denahi"

"I know Kenai, but this thing, whatever it is, is nothing to play around, he has killed thousands and thousands of men for the last months, no one has been able to kill him, I don´t want you to get into unnecessary danger Kenai"

Kenai looked at his brother's eyes, and saw real worry for him and fear, so he shrugged.

"Sure, there´s nothing to do outside otherwise, plus, I think we´ll be very busy with this ball"

"Oh yeah, now, prepare brother, because this night will have to handle handshakes, fat ladies and the highest of society"

"Oh tell me about it!"

So Kenai and Denahi spend the time making jokes about the highest of society until they arrive to Kenai´s room, Denahi leave Kenai´s bags on the floor, the bad was on the middle of the room, while at his right side there was a table with a lamp, there was also a window, it was opened and the air entered to the room, the curtains were of color red, also there was a wooden trunk at the bed´s edge.

"Just like I remember" Kenai.

"Yes, Sitka didn´t make a single change, unlike me, I destroyed your room on the summer house" said Denahi.

"Well, I never liked that so much" Kenai.

"Yes, I know, now, I assume you want to sleep"

"To be honest yes" said Kenai yawning "The journey was exhausting"

"Well, then I better let you rest, I´ll woke up one hour before the ball starts"

"Okay" said Kenai "I don´t think I´ll sleep so much"

"Fine, then I leave you, have a good nap bro"


And Denahi leaved the room, then, Kenai fell on his bed, he put his head on the pillow, then he closed his eyes, immediately falling asleep.

Meanwhile on the living room, Sitka was sitting down on his couch, all was telling that the ball was going to be a success, so there was nothing to worry about, but under him, Sitka knew that this marriage, wasn´t going to work, he didn´t wanted to marry, at least not with Anastasia, he wanted to marry with someone he loved, but…

He couldn´t disobey his father…

Sitka remembered very well the day that his father told him his fate:

"But dad, mom says that we only marry to a woman who we love"

"Sitka, that´s true but…. Long time ago, our family had troubles and the family of The Bloody fist helped us, you see this?" said his father pointing at his mansion "We couldn´t have this without their help Sitka, and unfortunately, on the contract it was sign that… when the first born of our family reached the age, he will married the older daughter of the Bloody fist, that´s how it has always been"

"Like you and mom?"

"Yes, but Sitka, she and I, we love each other, and we were blessed with you and your brothers, you see Sitka? Love can come in the most unexpected ways, so please; you have to promise me that you will honor this tradition, even if you don't 'agree with it"

Sitka sighed and looked to the ground, then to his father again, right to the eyes "I will father, I promise"

"Thank you Sitka, thank you" said his father hugging him "Thanks for understand"

"It´s okay dad, it´s okay" said Sitka hugging him back "I understand dad, I understand"

Sitka sighed and looked to his father portray, alongside with his mother, the day of his wedding, she was wearing a beautiful snow-white bride dress, grabbing with one hand the bouquet, they were smiling, but, if they were happy, that was another subject.

"I will dad" said Sitka "I will"

Kenai slept five hours, then Denahi waked him up, so Kenai went out of his room and go to take a bath, after that he changed into an elegant suit he will use on the ball, as well as his brothers, the three brothers looked like real princes from a fairytale.

"For how long I will have to use this?" asked Kenai uncomfortable of using the suit.

"Until the last guest has leaved home" Sitka.

"Great!" Kenai.

Meanwhile, at the Sangilak house, his mother, Anastasia and Nadia were ready to get to the Ball, the carriage was at his door, however, and Sangilak stood still on the door.

"You aren´t coming father?" asked Anastasia, turning to see him, she was wearing a beautiful red dress, that had over fifty crystals on it.

"Not tonight dear" Sangilak "My mother will accompany, as well as your maid"

"Nadia is my friend" Anastasia.

"Whatever, I have things to do, be nice with Sitka, the wedding will be soon and I don´t want nothing standing in our way, you understand?"

"Yes father" said Anastasia.

"Good now go!"

And so Anastasia and Nadia entered to the carriage, while mother looked to Sangilak, on her hand she was grabbing a black cane, with solid wood shaft, metal tip, durable, chrome and a silver wolf-head handle.

"Be careful" said his mother "Tonight, is the last night of full moon"

"I´ll be fine, now go, you must arrive on time"

"Fine, be careful son; remember, soon or later, some village can find the way to kill you"

"That won´t happened, unless, of course, you wanted" Sangilak said looking at the cane.

"Will see" said mother, then she entered to the carriage, and then the horses started to walk and the carriage start to move.

Sangilak looked to the black sky, night was falling, but the moon at least hasn't on the sky… yet.

Sangilak sighed, then he entered to the room, he didn't have so much time.

Back to Sitka´s mansion, the ball had already started, the hall was full of people that was dancing on the center, all the candelabrum were hanging from the ceiling and they were illuminating all the place, and also there was music on live, from a band that Sitka hired, and also, there was a table where all kind of delicious food and deserts, it was a great party.

"Well, our brother sure knows how to give a party" said Denahi.

"Truly" Kenai "I wonder how his fiancée looks"

"Me too" Denahi.

On the entrance to the house, the carriage of Sangilak stopped, and the door opened, mother came out, and then Nadia and finally Anastasia, she looked worried at the mansion.

"It´s all right" said Nadia putting a hand on her shoulder, Nadia was using a white dress "Don't be scare"

"I am Nadia" she said looking at her "I´m about to meet the one who will be my husband!"

"Yes, yes, we all suffer on life, now let´s get moving!" mother said, then she pushed both of the girls with her cane, Anastasia and Nadia began moving, complaining about mother, but still walking.

When they finally arrived to the door that leaved to the hall, mother opened with her cane.

"Now, it´s your turn" she said to Anastasia, pushing her.

Anastasia almost fells down, but she could control herself, then, she looked in front of her, the whole hall was silent, looking at her, she smiled and started to walk down to the center. Sitka and his brothers looked at her.

"Anastasia, only daughter of Sangilak"

"Is her" Denahi whispered to Sitka.

"Yes, excuse me" said Sitka to both of his brothers, and then he walked until Anastasia.

He made a reverence in front of her and Anastasia did the same, he took her hand and then they start dancing as the band played the piece, at first it seemed everything was fine, but soon, a thing was clear, Sitka and Anastasia didn´t had any interest on the other one, there wasn´t nothing to made about, they were just two strangers dancing, and, with any luck, they will be with time…


But nothing more, it was clear that a marry, was going to be a big mistake.

So the band stop playing, everyone applauded (even if they haven´t enjoyed the dance) and Sitka and Anastasia made a reverence, and then they walked away from each other, Sitka back with his brothers and Anastasia to mother and Nadia.

"Well, that was a first good start" mother.

"What do you mean?" said Anastasia, then she looked to Sitka "I don´t like him"

"Marriage isn't about that!" mother.

"I´ll talk to her, she will listen to me" Nadia said, she grabbed Anastasia by the arm and then walked away from mother "That was horrible"

"I know" Anastasia "I don´t feel nothing for him"

"This is your first time you meet him" Nadia "Maybe with time"

"No, time isn´t the answer Nadia, this isn´t going to work" Anastasia.

"But Anastasia"

"Nadia, this time, the only thing I want to do is abandoned my house and never come back"

"You can´t do that!"

"Well, I´m really considering it"

With Sitka and his brothers, the situation wasn´t better…

"I don´t love her" Sitka.

"Then leave all this fake" Denahi.

"I can´t Denahi"

"Sitka, dad would wanted you to be happy"

"No Denahi, he would want that but…"


"He was very specific, our family and The Bloody fist had been partners since long ago, we can´t break that"

"Couldn´t be another way?" Kenai.

"I´m thinking" said Sitka.

But the band started to play again, and this time, many people grabbed their couple and started to dance on the center.

"Why don´t you dance?" asked Sitka "I´ll come out with something"

But before Kenai or Denahi could argue, two woman grabbed them and took them to the dance place, so, the brothers didn´t had other choice than dance, at first it was boring, but then, Kenai felt a small, gentle and soft hand on his shoulder.

That feeling that doesn't go away just did

And I walked a thousand miles to prove it

And I'm caught in the crossfire of my own thoughts

The colour of my blood is all I see on the rocks

As you sail from me

Kenai turned around to see Anastasia.

"Oh, I´m sorry, it´s just that… I feel like a tornado between so many people, I don´t with who I´m dancing anymore"

"Yes, me too" said Kenai smiling, then he offered his hand to her "Do you want to dance?"

"Sure" said Anastasia, she grabbed Kenai´s hand, and then the two of them began to dance.

Alarms will ring for eternity

The waves will break every chain on me

My bones will bleach

My flesh will flee

So help my lifeless frame to breathe

"You dance is good" said Anastasia.

"Thank you, you aren´t bad"

"Well, that´s what you get by having a mom that´s obsess with leave a good impression with man" said Anastasia rolling her eyes, that made Kenai laugh.

"You´re funny"

"Thank you, most people will said that I´m… not so normal"

"Well, they don´t what they´re missing"

Anastasia smiled.

And God knows I'm not dying but I breathe now

And God knows it's the only way to heal now

With all the blood I lost with you

It drowns the love I thought I knew

Kenai made Anastasia spin around, the laughed and then Anastasia offered her hand to Kenai again, he took them and approached her, then they continue dancing, and, they see right to the other one´s eyes, and…

They felt the spark.

Like if they were bonded, they join their hands.

The lost dreams I buried in my sleep for him

And this was the ecstacy of love forgotten

And I'm thrown in the gunfire of empty bullets

And my blood is all I see

As you steal my soul from me

Alarms will ring for eternity

The waves will break every chain on me

"You´re beautiful" said Kenai.

Anastasia smiled, they were about to kiss when they realized that the salon was very quiet, and also, the dance floor was empty, they were the only ones dancing and everyone was looking at them, they looked all around to see all the eyes over them, watching them.

It was an uncomfortable moment, but then…

Someone applauded, and then another one, and then someone more, soon the salon was full of cheers and claps for them.

And God knows I'm not dying but I breathe now

And God knows it's the only way to heal now

With all the blood I lost with you

It drowns the love I thought I knew

And God knows I'm not dying but I breathe now

And God knows it's the only way to heal now

With all the blood I lost with you

It drowns the love I thought I knew

And God knows I'm not dying but I breathe now

And God knows it's the only way to heal now

With all the blood I lost with you

It drowns the love I thought I knew

Kenai and Anastasia looked to each other again and smiled, but then, they realized what they have just done, so their faces turn into one of horror, they separated and walked away from each other, Kenai to his room and Anastasia to the exit, Nadia follow her worried, while Sitka and Denahi saw Kenai passing to his side, not turning his head to see them, so they knew something was bad, so they follow him also.

"Anastasia!" said Nadia chasing her friend, she take the advantage and grabbed her by the arm.

"What was all that?" she asked.

"I don´t know!" said Anastasia looking at her "It was… so weird and strange… it was… magic…me"

"Anastasia, don´t you know who is he?"


"Anastasia, he´s Kenai, Sitka´s younger brother!"


"Yes, that´s right, you my friend, has just danced with your fiancé's younger brother!"

"No… there wasn´t nothing it was just…"

"Everyone looked something very different back there" said Nadia "You were almost eating the other one with the eyes"

Anastasia didn´t spoke; she looked to the other side.

"Anastasia, this can't happen"

"I know Nadia, I´m not stupid!"

"Anastasia, you have to apologize"

"No!" Anastasia mad "I know it was bad but… it was only a dance, nothing special, look, if it fixes things, I´ll go with Sitka and told him that it was only a dance, I mean, he could dance with you and no one will lose their mind because you aren´t in love"

"But neither are you and him, and Kenai?"

"He don´t means nothing to me" said Anastasia biting her lip.

Meanwhile, Kenai had go to the mansion rooftop, once he was there, he began to take long breathes of air, the full-moon was on the sky, and it was beautiful, but Kenai wasn´t thinking on that, he was thinking in Anastasia, he had felt sparks on his stomach the moment he saw her, and now he couldn´t get her out of his mind, her beautiful red hair, her blue eyes, her smile…

Kenai shook his head.

What was he thinking?

Anastasia was his future sister-in-law; he couldn't fall in love with her.

He had to get out of his head all those thoughts, or otherwise, things would get ugly…

Sitka and Denahi appeared behind him and came closer to him.

"Kenai!" they both said, Kenai turned his head to see them.

"Guys, hi"

"What was all that?" asked Denahi.

"Nothing" said Kenai looking to the sky "Nothing it was…. We just dance"

"Well, it didn´t looked like that back there" Denahi.

"Well it was!" Kenai, then he looked to Sitka "That was Sitka, a dance, nothing more"

"Kenai…" said Sitka "I understand, but… why you run away?"

"I don´t know… it was… a strange moment Sitka, but I´m fine, and Anastasia is fine, we just dance, nothing more"

Neither Sitka nor Denahi believe him, but they didn´t said anything, on that same moment, Anastasia and Nadia appeared.

"Excuse me" said Anastasia "I need to talk with Sitka, in private"

Denahi and Kenai nodded with the head, and then walked back to the salon, but when Anastasia was passing at Kenai´s side, she looked at him, and Kenai did the same, but were looks of pity and… Love.

But they didn´t stopped and continued walking; Anastasia went with Sitka while Nadia and the two brothers returned to the salon.

The Ball continued without any major event, it wasn´t until later on night that mother decided it was time to go back home, so they said goodbye to the brothers, Anastasia didn´t had a problem with Sitka or Denahi, but when it was time for Kenai…

"Goodbye… Kenai" she said, she didn´t kissed on the cheek like she had done with Sitka and Denahi.

"Goodbye Anastasia" he said looking at her, but not moving.

She looked to the ground and then she walked to the exit, mother and Nadia watched her for a couple of minutes.

"Please, excuse the behavior of my granddaughter" mother said turning to see the brothers "All this is new for her, she spend a lot of her time locked on house so… the world is really a new place for her"

"It´s okay mister…" Sitka.

"Just call me mother dear"

"Okay… mother"

"Anyway, it has been a long night, thanks for the ball, it was magnificent, will see you soon for the weeding´s preparations"

"We will, good night mother"

Then she walked to the exit, with Nadia following her behind, the three brothers were in silent, until Denahi spoke up.

"Well, we´ll have a wonderful new family"

On the road, the carriage of Sangilak was going back home, Anastasia was looking outside the window, seen the trees pass, on her mind, there was only one thought… Kenai.

"You´re so stupid" mother tell her.

"Excuse me?" said Anastasia looking at her.

"You hear me" mother "You´re stupid! You´re supposed to fuck Sitka, not his brother!"

Then she hit Anastasia with the cane on the face, leaving a mark, she also started to bleed from her inferior lip, the hit took Anastasia by surprise, she put a hand on her lip and then looked at it, her eyes widened when she saw the blood, then mother put the silver wolf-head handle on Anastasia´s neck, strangle her.

"We are not to putting our plans in danger just for your childish games!" mother "Do you think love has anything to do with marriage!"

"Love?" asked Anastasia.

"Madam, please, Anastasia just…" Nadia tried to talk, but mother slap her on the face.

"Quite slave! You aren´t her to give your opinion, just to serve"

Nadia looked to the ground, she gave Anastasia a look of shame, but she couldn´t do anything.

"Do you think I was born yesterday kid?" asked mother "I saw how you were looking at him, that, that is a look of love!"

"I don´t love him!"

"Deny it all you want child, but, deep inside you, you know you love him" mother.

Anastasia couldn´t said nothing to fight back, so she just looked down, mother removed the handle from her neck.

"Love wasn´t made for people like us Anastasia; do you think I loved your grandparent? Or that you father loved your mother? Of course not! So you better forget that nonsense of fairy tales!"

Anastasia didn´t do anything, she just looked back to the window, and her silent seemed to calm down mother, who smiled proudly.

The way continued calmly, until the carriage stopped brusquely.

"What was that?" asked Nadia.

"I don´t know" mother.

Then roars and horses steps were heard outside, alongside human screams, it was the driver.

"What´s that?" asked Nadia.

"I´m going to find out" said mother going out of the carriage.

She walked outside the carriage, there was nothing; the night was calm and silent, they were on the road and surrounded them there was the forest, quiet and creepy, the tress were as tall as castles and a mist was covering it all, mother could hardly see.

But she could smell… and she smelled blood, she walked to the front part of the carriage and saw that all the horses were death, they had their necks cut off, and the blood was all over the place.

Mother grabbed her can stronger, he was here…

"Anastasia, Nadia!" she yelled "Don´t come out!"

She backed away and looked all around her, trying to find him, but nothing, it was complete silent, then she realized something…

Where was the driver?

A body fell in front of her, it was the driver, part of his chest had been rip apart and on his neck it had marks of claws that had cut his neck like butter, on his eyes were the last sight of someone that had just saw something horrible, the blood covered all his body, or what was left.

Mother looked to where the body had fall down, there was a big shadow sitting over a tree´s branch, the shadow was big as a bear, then it jumped off the branch and landed in front of mother, it was a wolf…

But not just any wolf, this was standing in two feet, his fur was dark-grey color, his eyes were yellow and were shinning in the dark, out of his snout two sharped and big canines stood out, they were like knifes.

The wolf roared in mother´s face and then he raised a path, were five silver claws were coming out, sharped as spears and ready to fell over mother, but she was quickly, with the silver wolf-head handle she hit the wolf on the face, the wolf backed away, he was bleeding from the face, right where the cane had hit him, he let out a roar of pain. Mother came closer to him and was about to hit him again, when the wolf took the cane when it was about to fall over him and then he throw it away from mother´s hands, it landed over a bushes, mother looked to the direction where the cane had fall and then to the wolf again. This knock her down with a punch and the go over her, he was about to bite her when she heard the screams that were coming from the carriage.

Nadia had gone out and had seen the scene, the wolf roared and jump to the carriage, but Nadia closed the door.

"What´s that?" asked Anastasia scared.

"It´s a monster!" Nadia replied.

The wolf was roaring, the punched the door, almost breaking it, the two girls screamed scared, the wolf hammers his claws into the door and then rips it, Anastasia and Nadia screamed, believing this was their end, the wolf was looking at them, on his eyes was clear he wanted to eat them.

With his powerful arms he ripped apart the carriage, while Anastasia´s and Nadia´s scream could be heard in the entire wood.

When the wolf was about to bite them, a ¡Bang! Was heard and the wolf backed away, someone had shoot him, it had been Sitka.

The screams of the girls had alerted everyone, so when the three brothers had heard them, they ride their horses until the scene, Sitka had carried a gun, when they arrived to the confrontation, Sitka had shoot against the animal and had hurt him on one of his shoulders, but then, something incredible happened.

The shoot had rip apart one of the wolf´s shoulder, but after the shoot he stood up and the part that had been strip regenerate.

Sitka couldn´t believe what he had just seen…

The wolf roared and jumped over his horse, Sitka was able to jump off the animal before the wolf go over him, with one bite to the neck the horse was dead, the wolf throw the animal away and looked to Sitka, he slowly walked to the man when a rock hit him on the face.

"Hey beast! Come here!" Denahi had thrown the rock to the wolf; he roared and turned to see Denahi.

He was about to jump over Denahi when another rock hit him, this time had been thrown by Kenai.

"No! Come here!"

The brothers were walking in circles around the wolf and throwing rocks that they were finding on the ground, making the wolf angrier. Sitka got on his feet and took the gun, shooting at the wolf multiple times, but although he hit him, the wolf didn´t seem affected, he was regenerating every time Sitka shoot him and blow up parts of his body.

"This is a demon!" Sitka yelled.

"There must be a way to kill him!" Kenai said.

"My cane!" said mother.

"What?" Kenai asked turning to see her.

"My cane!" said mother, who was still on the ground, breathing hardly "My cane with the silver wolf-head handle! Find it, it´s the only thing will work against him!"

Kenai didn´t knew what she was talking about, but since they were running out of ideas, he decided to listen to the old lady.

"Where is it?!"

"It fell over those bushes!" mother said pointing to were the cane had fallen.

Kenai run to it and took the cane from the bush, then he turned to face the wolf again, but the predator saw him, with a mad look (the only wound that was still on him was the one mother had done with the cane) the wolf roared and jumped over Kenai.

Kenai was knocked down and the wolf bite him on his right shoulder, Kenai screamed in pain as he felt how the blood was coming out from him and covered his chest.

"Kenai!" he could hear how his two older brothers were screaming in terror.

But Kenai didn´t give up, with all his strength he took the cane and with the wolf-head he hit the wolf on the face, the wolf screamed and backed away, but Kenai hit again the wolf this time on the ear, the ear detached from the head and the wolf screamed as he put both hands on the wound, then Kenai, with all the strength he had left, raised the cane over the wolf´s head, then he let it fall, the wolf-head fell over the wolf´s snout, making some teeth to fall down, a big hole had been opened in the snout, and the jaw below was broken.

The wolf run on four paws back to the woods, while Kenai looked at him until he disappeared, then he tried to stand up but he couldn´t, he was bleeding and had lost a lot of blood.

The only think he could hear before passing away was Sitka and Denahi screaming his name.
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